Community Events

Community Events

We are proud to share with you the Aura-Soma enthusiasts, practitioners, teachers and students from around the globe a selection of special moments and memories from the events we have enjoyed together. Supported by the products of Aura-Soma lets continue to celebrate the beauty of our connection with Mother Earth, ourselves and each other..

Community Events
  • January Meditation

    This day marked the end of a long cycle of time, in recognition of this Mike Booth and the team at the Academy brought the community together for a meditation

  • 40th Anniversary of Aura-Soma

    2023 called for us to come together to appreciate what it is we’ve been given as tools to support ourselves and each other as a Humanity that walks more consciously on the Earth. We came together on Shire Farm to
    celebrate and give thanks in a reciprocal way as we nurtured the being within the l...